Tuesday 12 October 2010

Early End to My Offroading

I cant believe it, I just got a surprise tax bill for £8000!!! Worse is that the good old tax man wants the money by January. So I have to sell every non esential items i own.. So the now perfectly working DRZ is up for sale as well as all my other toys.

I am totally gutted as im really enjoying the muddy world. So thats it folks, one very sad offroader who didnt even manage a year on the trails. Once I get myself sorted I will try to save up again and get another bike.

In the meantime I will turn this into my two wheels based blog and get back to offroading as soon as the feckin government give me a break.

Cheers for reading all, happy trails.


Tuesday 5 October 2010

Goldfish In My Goggles

Well not quite....

Was riding home in some horendous rain and wind yesterday. So horendous that I started to notice quite an impressive puddle growing in each side of my goggles. Evertime I moved my head mini waves were slooshing about. It was like a cartoon and in my daft mind I imagined goldfish swimming about and got a chronic case of the giggles.

The car drivers must have thought I was a proper loon! Possibly they were right. :0)

More Physio

So after stacking the bike a gazillion years ago my shoulder is now feeling better. Still cant move it properly but my incredibly talented physio is working his magic. In a weird way it was interesting to see how the injury developed. I think the worst point was the huge pain in my sternum. Got me worried I must admit and some hard and painful work with the physio had it sorted in a few day.

I still dont have full mobility but at least I can take an easy ride again. Just wondering how long until I get back to full strength???